A question of performance: responding to site/resisting space
A one-day workshop with Katja Hilevaara and Emily Orley.
Date. Friday 31st August 2018
Open to all (artists, non-artists, teachers and students (age 16+)
Free of charge.
Description: Drawing on our own art practice and a range of site-responsive contemporary performance work, we will explore the following questions. What is the relationship between performance and place? How is performance making influenced by the site of performance? How do performance makers engage with the politics and social value of the places which they occupy? What kinds of critical and social interventions are enabled (or impeded) by art practice that draws its material from the cusp of public and private space?
Workshop participants will explore the acts, actions and gestures that celebrate, contest and make visible the politics of public space, and will research, creatively respond to and discuss ways of documenting the local area as a place of performance.